How Can Builders Benefit from Lease Management Software?
The real estate sector in India is vast and ranks second only to agriculture in terms of its contribution to employment opportunities. This growth is driven by increasing industrial....
How can Technology be Used for Successful Lease Management?
The adoption of technology for lease management is a growing trend year by year, with an increasing number of companies embracing tech solutions to simplify the complex....
3 Benefits for Optimizing Lease Management Strategy
Managing leases is a significant component of operations, irrespective of the company’s size. It comprises of supervising the complete process of renting out real estate or equipment, from negotiating...
How can Lease Administration Prove to be Advantageous to the Education Sector?
The education industry in India has demonstrated its ability to function effectively in a dynamic environment. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic ....
4 Key Benefits of Outsourcing Lease Abstraction & Management
Nowadays, real estate companies are gradually adopting the process of lease abstraction that let them recapitulate important business, legal and financial terms and conditions. A quick summary...
How Can You Describe a Commercial Lease Agreement?
The commercial real estate sector in India has slowly but surely bounced back after the deadly pandemic. It is one of the fastest-developing industries in India and is growing ...
How Does Lease Administration Software Help in Reducing Risks?
Lease administration is essentially the management of the contract in the real estate sector. It comprises administrating all the tasks that are part of the firm’s lease portfolio. The responsibilities....
How to Streamline the Lease Administration Process Flow?
Until recently, most companies were not paying much heed to their property leases beyond paying the bills. Leases were generally regarded....
Why Does the Finance Team in a Company Require Lease Management?
Lease Administration is essentially the management of the agreement in the real estate sector. It comprises administering all the duties that are listed in the lease portfolio....